Psychiatric care is offered by medical providers who have specialized training in diagnosing and treating complex mental health conditions through medication management. If you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or similar, a psychiatrist may be a good place to start.
Other signs that you should see a psychiatrist include:
-Your primary care doctor or another doctor thinks you may benefit from the services of a psychiatrist and provides a referra
l-You are interested in taking medication to treat a mental health condition
-Your symptoms are severe enough to regularly interfere with your everyday life
Psychotherapy is provided by a range of professionals including social workers, mental health counselors, psychologists, professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, and psychoanalysts. Working with a therapist generally involves regular talk therapy sessions where you discuss your feelings, problem-solving strategies, and coping mechanisms to help with your condition.